
Live Demo

Experience the power of real-time device detection and alerting firsthand. Follow these simple steps to see how AuthAlert can enhance your account security.

Launch Live Demo

Sign Up for a Free Account

Click on the “Launch Live Demo” and create your free account with your work email address. Please ensure that you use a valid email address or you won’t receive the notification email.

Login on a Different Device

Once your account is set up, log in using a different device (such as another computer, tablet, smartphone, or an incognito browser). This allows AuthAlert to detect the new device accessing your account.

Receive an Email Notification

After logging in on the new device, check your email. You will receive a notification from AuthAlert informing you about the new device login. This demonstrates how AuthAlert enhances security by keeping you informed about any new device accessing your account.

AuthAlert Email Alert

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Take the next steps to secure your user accounts effortlessly


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